Gaining Market Share
A small business that has just opened is often unknown to the general public, and many municipal agencies are willing to help. They often offer a ceremony for ribbon cutting that will be attended by the local news agencies, and this can get the ball rolling on their recognition needs. While it helps with those who read the local paper, not all their customers might fit into that particular category. They will need to do more if they plan on gaining market share immediately.
There are many of ways to market a new business, and most of them are actually fairly inexpensive. Online marketing can be done on social platforms, and spreading the word to just family and friends can be a big help. For those who have a lack of experience with these platforms, a friend or relative might be a great resource to get them started on forming an online presence with their own pages or accounts to tie into these resources.
Spreading the word about a new business is the responsibility of those who market, and there are a number of ways. Getting on the local news channel might not be possible, but spending time finding businesses for cross-marketing purposes is a good way to get a name known. Offering discounts to new customers receiving coupons at established businesses is often a tool that has been successful.
Marketing is seen by many as a dreary and draining chore, but it can also be fun. While few new companies have their own mascot to play around town, they can also have a party without one. Cooking out on a grill and serving up simple foods is a good way to introduce a business to its community, and even handing out balloons with attached business cards at a busy intersection can be a fun way to get the name out there.